Ageless Yogis Most people, when they think of starting yoga practice, say something like this, “I am not flexible enough to do yoga”. Unfortunately, this prevents a lot of people from beginning a practice that could quite possibly change their lives. Here are some things that you should consider if you are thinking about becoming “healthier” this year. The first thing to consider is that health is as much about what you think as what you do. Yoga is a great mind changer. For example, many people think that to do yoga you have to be “good”at it or that“ everyone will be looking at me”. Both beliefs could not be farther from the truth and after even one yoga class most have changed their minds. The other one I hear most often is “I don’t have time” or “I can’t work it in.” Here is a quote by an accomplished yogi, Ganga White, “yoga doesn’t take time… Yoga gives time”. When you start practicing, this will make more sense than anything you have ever heard. This brings me to something else you should consider. None of us are getting any younger! I mean really think about it; even if you are 25 years old you probably aren’t doing handstands like you were when you were 8 and playing with your friends on the playground. Yoga is “Ageless” and is something that you can do throughout your lifetime. Yoga gives you the freedom to be exactly where you are at all times. If yoga were the statue of liberty the marker would probably go something like this .. give me your tired, your old, your young, your inflexible, your unbalanced, your happy your depressed your anxious your short, your tall, your male, your female, …. OK you get the idea. Yoga is something that allows you the quality of life you are looking for, especially as you age. Yoga adapts and so can you. Despite the myriad of health benefits yoga provides, starting a practice can enhance your quality of life. I seriously doubt that at the age of 55 or 65 that doing a handstand will be a deal breaker to happiness. But sitting on the floor and playing with your grandchild might. Or being able to continue all the other things that bring you joy, like playing golf or running marathons. We all have a different idea about the quality of our lives and what makes life good, yoga meets you there and gives you the freedom to be there. And by the way, if a handstand is a deal breaker you can probably do that too. The point is that yoga really is for everyone. There are many opportunities out there now to at least try a class or two and see what you are missing. Another thing to consider is to do your homework. choose classes that are suitable for you, most studios offer classes for many different types of people, such as level 1 for beginners, senior classes, and classes for the active over 50 crowd. The Centre at VitaZen offers a class every Monday and Wednesday at 3pm called ageless yogis. This class was designed to target the normal aging process and help students to become more flexible, strong and enhance their quality of life. It offers variations of postures and an opportunity to understand yoga and how to make progress. The Centre also has workshops that can help you begin a practice such as, Yoga Basics, for those who want to know more before starting classes. There are many other classes suitable for all levels of yoga students go to our class’s page for a complete schedule and description. Now that I have taken away all your barriers, I will see you in the studio.

Glenda Wynne ERYT 500, YACEP, R.N.
The Centre at VitaZen is Smith Mountain Lake Virginia’s yoga studio. Offering classes 7 days per week. We have 10 200 hour certified instructors. Join us in person or online and become a part of The Centre at VitaZen Family/.
The Centre at VitaZen
12787 Booker T Washington Hwy
Suite 103
Hardy, VA 24101 / 540-721-9365